Root, Mark, 1764 - 1834

Mark Root, the son of Captain Timothy Root and Mary Langdon of Farmington, Connecticut, was a farmer who served as a commissioner for the Town of Farmington.  Root owned land in Farmington's Indian Neck as early as 1788.  From 1792 to 1806, he purchased more property from Tunxis Indians in the Indian grant and in the East Haven Indian Lots.  His house, partially built with Thomas Curricomp's small dwelling, existed on-site until the 1960s.  From his father's will, Root inherited, among other tracts, 35 acres of land within the Indian Grant, 10 acres of land to the west of that grant, half a barn, 1/3 of land around and ownership of a cider mill, and 1/3 of property at Browington, Vermont.
In 1800, the Root household included eleven people:  Root, his wife, and nine children.  Ten years later another child was added.  By 1818, Root was having problems.  In that year, he published notice that he would not pay any debts of his wife.  In 1820 his household consisted only of him and a son and daughter.  In 1827, he published a "fair warning" notifying creditors that he would only pay debts he contracted. In 1833, the Collector of Taxes in Farmington indicated that he would sell part of his property to pay the town taxes.
Hartford Courant, December 15, 1818, p. 4; January 22, 1833, p. 4; August 6, 1827, p. 3.  Timothy Root Probate Packet, CSL.
Additional sources for this biography come from the Related Digital Heritage Items listed below.
November 19, 1764
February 22, 1834