Pitkin, Timothy, Jr., 1766 - 1847

Timothy Pitkin was the son of Rev. Timothy Pitkin and Temperance Clap of Farmington, Connecticut.  After his graduation from Yale in 1785, he studied law and was admitted to the bar in 1788.  Pitkin was elected to the Connecticut House of Representatives at various times from 1790 to 1805, serving as clerk of the House from 1800-1802 and Speaker from 1803 to 1805.  He was then elected to the United States Congress, where he served from 1805 to 1819. Afterward, Pitkin returned to the Connecticut Legislature and held a seat in the House of Representatives from 1819 to 1830.  He was elected a member of the American Antiquarian Society in 1815.  Wikipedia.  Image courtesy of Wikipedia.

January 21, 1766
December 18, 1847