Occuish, Joseph

Joseph Occuish, a member of the Niantic community from Lyme, Connecticut, was the eldest son of the Rev. Philip and Sarah Occuish.  He was baptized August 29, 1749.  By 1772, his wife was Amy Johnson, sister of Joseph Johnson.  The couple had at least two children:  Abraham and RhodaOccuish purchased several acres in Waterford, Connecticut from Samuel Smith and Nathan Daniels.  According to his granddaughter Rhoda's petition of the Connecticut General Assembly, Joseph Occuish had died around 1792.  Love, Samson Occom, 354. Lyme LR 13: 265, New London LR 24:54, Brown and Rose, Black Roots, 275. Murray, To Do Good To My Indian Brethren, 28.  1810.12.18.00.

Before 1761
c. 1792