Meazon, Sarah, - 1824

It could be that Sarah Meazon was the Indian woman that Aaron Brown was paid to bring to Mashantucket from the neighboring Town of Preston in April of 1817 as this coincides, more or less, with her emergence in the records of the State appointed overseer to the Tribe.
As early as July 1818, fellow Pequot Sally George was compensated for having provided care and support to Sarah Meazon for an unspecified number of weeks.  Entries for medicine beginning in October of 1819 and continuing into January of 1820 suggest that Meazon was unwell and Sally George continued to board Sarah well into 1820.  Clothing was provided to Sarah Meason during this time, the cost of which was settled by the tribe’s Overseer.  The attendance of Dr. Dan King, including multiple visits and medicine, between February of 1821 and January of 1822 suggests that Sarah Meazon’s health remained in question.
By this time Sarah Meazon had moved to the household of Mark Daniels.  He and, likely, his wife, Amy George Daniels, assumed the care and support of Sarah for the next few years.   In addition to the room, board, and care, provided by the Daniels family, receipts indicate that Sarah Meazon received shoes, clothing, and cloth to make clothing from several non-native  neighbors and tenants.   Mark Daniels boarded Sarah Meazon until her death on April 26, 1824.  Daniels dug the grave for Sarah and her coffin was made by Shubael Whitney, the expenses of which were paid for out tribal funds by the Overseer. 
Interestingly, Sarah Meazon’s name was included in a listing of Pequot individuals that was submitted to the New London County Court.  The list bears the date of March 1825, a full ten months after her death.  Exactly when the list was generated and for what purpose remains unclear.
CHS, Ms 27960 Geer & Morgan Families Papers, 1717-1850, Folder 19; CSL, RG3, NLCC:PbS, Indians, Mashantucket Pequot
April 26, 1824