Mason, Daniel, 1652 - 1737

Daniel Mason was the son of John Mason and Ann Peck.  Mason inherited Chippechauge, as well as a large tract of upland and meadow nearby from his father.  During King Philip’s War, Mason served as quartermaster for the New London Company.  He was promoted to lieutenant in 1701 and later to captain.  As Mason’s son, he was well acquainted with the Mohegan people.  He served as witness on a number of Indian deeds.  In 1675, he was a legatee of Attawanhood’s will.  He replaced his brother Samuel as guardian of the tribe in 1705 and advised Mohegan leaders during the early phase of the Mohegan Case.  Theodore West Mason, Family Record in Our Line of Descent from Major John Mason of Norwich, Connecticut (New York: The Grafton Press, 1909), 15-16.  Bodge, Soldiers in King Philip’s War, 467.

January 28, 1737