Maltbie, William, 1645 - 1710

William Maltbie was the son of John Maltby of East Retford, England.  After his migration to New Haven, he removed to Branford in 1672 and was elected town constable two years later.  He served as collector in 1674 through 1692 and was in charge of laying out land from 1676-1679.  In the former position, Maltbie collected taxes from Branford residents to fund the purchase of Totoket land in 1685.  In 1702 on behalf of the town, he purchased four acres of land at Indian Neck from Wayawousit and his son John Jeffrey. Maltbie also served as ensign in the Branford trainband in 1690, representative to the Connecticut General Assembly (1685-1706), commissioner (1687-1697), justice of the peace and judge of the New Haven County Court from 1698 until his death in 1710.  His probate inventory indicates that he owned at least twenty-nine acres of Totoket land at Indian Neck and one hundred acres at Sibbees Hill, as well as two black slaves.  Dorothy Lord Verrill, Maltby-Maltbie Family History (Newark, N.J.: The Maltbie Association, 1916) 251-252, 255-256, 261-262.  Menta, The Quinnipiac, 148. 

March 16, 1645
January 9, 1710