
Konkewasco was a Quabaug sachem from the village of Tantaskwee and may have been related to Wetoleshen, a former tribal leader.  Because of former alliances and his distrust of Philip, he was one of the signatories of a peace treaty with the English on June 25, 1675.  Some have claimed that he later reneged on his promise and joined Philip, as did many others who signed the treaty.  Yet, at least one writer has insisted on his continued loyalty to the English.  Konkewasco removed with his people in mid-August 1676 and was saved from death by the intercession of a Mohegan Indian.  Levi Badger Chase, The Bay Path and Along the Way (Norwood, MA: Plympton Press, 1919), 154-174.  Connole, The Indians of the Nipmuck Country in Southern New England, 162-164.

Before 1657
After 1676