Hempsted, Richard, 1790 - 1836

Richard Hempsted (1790-April 16, 1836) was the son of Samuel Hempsted and Lucy Hempsted of Stonington, Connecticut.  During the War of 1812, was a captain in John Hyde's Company.  In 1815, he and his brother Samuel let some of their cattle out in the Eastern Pequot Indian Town pasture.   Hempsted, and his second wife Lucy Davis Hempsted resided with their family on the road to Lantern Hill from Mystic.
Find A Grave (Hempsted Cemetery, Stonington, CT).  Connecticut Deaths and Burials, 1772-1934, LDS Family Search.  Hurd, History of New London County, 634. Wheeler, Old Homes in Stonington, 76.

April 16, 1836