George, Simon (Ponkapog), - 1739

Simon George (dc. 1739) was a member of the  Ponkapoag community.  He and his wife, Abigail, had at least five children, Deborah, Abigail, Samuel, Matthias and Hannah.  George was a proprietor of lands in Canton, Massachusetts.  Oral history has it that his was the first apple orchard to be planted in the community.  In 1725, he and some other Ponkapoags deeded land to John Wentworth, one of the Indian tenants. The following year he petitioned the Legislature to set aside tribal land for Joseph and Amity Morse.  George was on the tribal accounts from 1735 to 1738. His name appears on a petition in 1741, but one of the Guardians stated that George had died two years before.  Huntoon, History of the town of Canton, 28, 42.  John Wentworth, The Wentworth Genealogy, Vol. 1 (Boston, MA: Little, Brown, and Company, 1878), 192.  MA 31: 127, 223a, 224-224b, 356.
