Felix, Thomas
Thomas Felix was most likely the son of Nanauatauate (Felix) and Abigail, Wampanoags from Assawampset. He had at least two sons, Thomas, Jr. and Israel. By 1712 he removed to Titicutt, where he succeeded Thomas Sekins as the Indian minister and served as the local magistrate there. In 1736, he petitioned the Massachusetts General Court to sell between twenty and thirty acres of his land at Assawampset, since had become surrounded by white settlers, and it no longer benefited him. He would petition the legislature several times more, including one in 1743 to sell some of his land to Ebenezer Shaw. In 1759, he asked the Court to deliver to him monies that were due to him from a prior sale of his lands, indicating that he was aged and reliant solely on his son Israel -- Thomas, Jr. being deceased. The Acts and Resolves Public and Private of the Province of Massachusetts Bay (1759-1760), 389, 532. MA 31:317, 458, 463; 33:99, 111, 175. Mandell, Behind the Frontier, 82. 532.