Job, Jemima, - 1868

Jemima Job was the daughter of Eliakim Job and Abiah Keamuoo of Tisbury, Massachusetts.  She married three times --  to John Saunders on January 24, 1811, to Samuel S. Henry in 1829, and to Isaac Easton in 1848.  Jemima had at least one daughter, Priscilla.  In 1851, 1852 and 1855, she and some relatives petitioned the Massachusetts Legislature to recover some land at Deep Bottom. As a result of an Act passed in May 1856, the land at Deep Bottom was equally divided to Jemima, her daughter Priscilla Freeman and others.  Jemima became seriously ill in 1859 and remained so until she died in 1868.  In a letter from Priscilla Freeman to John Milton Earle, June 18, 1860, regarding his visit to her mother who was in bad shape and had no support.  "We have bin advised to apply to the town but mother is unwilling for fear our land may be taken from us."  Jemima died in New Bedford in 1868 of old age (76  years old).

Massachusetts, Town Marriage Records, 1620-1850, Tisbury. Ancestry. Pierce and Segel, Wampanoag Families of Martha's Vineyard, 259, 424; Earle Papers, American Antiquarian Society.

Jemima Saunders
Jemima Henry
Jemima Easton
c. 1792