Bushnell, Richard, 1652 - 1727
Richard Bushnell was the son of Richard Bushnell and Mary Marvin of Horsham, Sussex, England and Saybrook Colony. A resident of Norwich, Connecticut, Bushnell served as the town’s deacon, agent, clerk (1691-1726), justice, and deputy for 37 sessions. He was briefly appointed schoolmaster in 1697 and 1709. He rose through the military ranks, becoming captain of the train band. In 1700, the Connecticut General Court confirmed a grant of land to Bushnell and six other King Philip’s War veterans. Caulkins, History of Norwich, 84, 93-94, 133, 214. Bodge, Soldiers in King Philip’s War, 441. Horace W. Fuller, ed., “Old Connecticut Trial Justices,” The Green Bag, An Entertaining Magazine for Lawyers, Vol. 6 (Boston: The Boston Book Company, 1894), 501-502.