The Humble Declaration of Harman Garrett
The humble declaration of Harman Garrett (alias Wequashcook) unto the honored General Court humbly sheweth,
That whereas he hath formerly laid claim at court, in person, and by writings unto a tract of land, so he doeth again renew his claim of the same tract of about eight miles square, betwixt a pond called Minnabog on the west, near the common road, and Wequatuxet a brook on the east, lying beyond an old fort called Ninigret’s. And being now aged, and hath been sick great part of last winter, and fears he is now in a consumption, he earnestly requests that he may show his papers and pleas for his land, with some of his testimonies and also lest his land should be condemned as conquered land, for which he can see no reason, seeing his father was the English’s friend and entertained Major Mason and his company at his wigwam when going against the Pequots and made proclamation that no tidings should be carried to the Pequots upon pain of death. And also he and Harman Garret and his men then faithfully assisted the English, and never did the English wrong. Further, Harman Garret hath also now been faithful and assisted to his power, by his son Cattapeset and his men, and rewarded his men for their service, with his money and spent much provision on the Indian soldiery, that there can be no color of a conquest of his land. That it is true that Ninigret usurped to live upon some part of his land, but how rightfully will appear upon a fair audience, which he hopes may be granted, which will oblige him to acknowledge your favor and the principles of justice in the English, and engage him and his to ever serve you in what he or they may.
Harman Garrett, sachem his mark.
September 23, 1676
Address: The declaration of Harman Garret unto the honored General Court
Notation: Garrett’s petition, 1676, October
Cataloguing: 29, 33