Complaint of Hana Squinimo

To the Honorable General Assembly now sitting in Hartford
The wife of Squinimo, an Indian deceased man, complaining that she is unjustly kept out of the possession of certain lands at Podunk by Thomas, John, and Samuel Burnham, and William Burnham or his assigns, which is contrary to an act of this Court made March 14, 1660.  She, therefore, prays this Honored Court to grant her some relief so that she may be put into quiet possession of those lands (which were the lands of her grandfather Quanampewott, deceased) according to the said act of Court.
Hana Squinimo, Squaw Indian, the daughter of Seacutt, the granddaughter of Quanampewott, her mark                                  
May 10, 1722
Notation: Squaw quit
Legislative Action: Resolved that Colonel Allyn, Judge of the County Court in the County of Hartford, inquire into the matter of this complaint and make report what he finds thereon to the General Assembly in May next.  Passed in the Upper House,  Hezekiah Wyllys, Secretary.  Concurred with in the Lower House,  Test, Joseph Whiting, Clerk
Cataloguing: 93a, 93b, 118