Inquest into the Death of Jo Garrett Alias Wequashcook
We whose names are hereunto affixed being this day summoned to appear at a coroner’s inquest to view the dead body of a certain person found dead in the water at a place called Wadawanuck Point in Stonington this 26th day of August, 1730.
We being all legally sworn there to by Daniel Palmer, Esq., Justice of the Peace, present at said place,
And having carefully and circumspectly viewed said dead body or corpse and searched the same, no evidence appearing to enlighten as in the premises but our own judgments, do according to the best of our judgments judge him to come by his end by being drowned in the waters. The body we believe to be the corpse of an Indian man called Jo Garrett alias Wequashcook.
Notation: Report of the jury of inquest
Cataloguing: Jo Garrett (Indian)
Miscellaneous: you swear that you will diligently