Ninigret's Petition to John Endicott

May 6, 1651           

Ninigret, the Sachem of Niantic, desired that this should be written for him to the Governor of the Massachusetts.  That whereas there was some injury done by some of Cowesett Indians, he went to seek redress not intending to do them any hurt but only to speak with them and so to see what end they might make of the controversy, but finding them all run away from their houses, his men took away many of their things that were left they having themselves taken with them the best of their things.  But afterward upon a message from the Governor he sent back their things all again and that he caused a skin to be restored before the Governor sent any word to him about the same.

Address:           For the Honorable the Governor at Boston

                        Notation:         May 1651/ Sachem of Niantic’s letter

            Copy:               A Copy of the Com[ cut ] to the Governor of Plymouth 1650 ~1

Cataloguing:  17

  • 1. This notation seems to be associated with another document.