Re-appointment of Committee upon Memorial of Richard Ranney

Whereas at the General Assembly held at Hartford in May last upon the memorial of Richard Ranney of Newtown in the County of Fairfield praying for a committee to be appointed to enquire into the title and circumstances of certain Indian lands in Middletown, wherein the said memorialist claims to have a part in order that such his part and proportion might be made out and ascertained to him.  John Chester and Thomas Welles, Esq., were appointed a committee to enquire into and concerning the matters and things requested in said memorial, as by said memorial and act of assembly appears.  And whereas said committee have been unavoidably prevented attending said business.

Resolved by this Assembly that the said John Chester and Thomas Wells, Esq., be and they are hereby reappointed a committee to enquire into and concerning the matters and things set forth and requested in said memorial and make report of what they shall find with their opinion thereon to the General Assembly of this colony to be holden at Hartford in May next.

October 1757  

Legislative Action:       Passed in the Upper House.  Test, Jabez Huntington, Clerk.  Concurred in the Lower House.  Test, George Wyllys, Secretary/ Entered

Cataloguing:                134b