Memorial of Peter Obed

The memorial of Peter Obed, an Indian man, formerly of Saybrook now resident in New London in the Colony of  Connecticut in New England, humbly sheweth to this Honorable Assembly sitting at Hartford,

May the 9th A:D: 1734, showing to this Assembly that I, being a lame Indian, and under poor circumstances, and having an island or hummock at a place in Saybrook, commonly called Pachaug in the sea near it, was constrained to sell said island or hummock unto John Minor of New London in the colony aforesaid to redeem me from prison and to supply my necessities, being sick, etc. and being very desirous that the good honest man should enjoy and possess it, as he has honestly paid for it, and the law being so that an Indian deed shall not be good for the holding the same to himself, his heirs, etc.,  do humbly pray that your Honors would confirm the same unto the said John Minor, his heirs, etc. or some other way that your Honors in your great wisdom shall think fit, and your poor memorialist shall, as in duty bound, ever pray,

Peter Obed, his mark

            Notation:          Memorial of Peter Obed, Indian / May 1735 / per Nobody / No. 30

            Recording:       Signed, sealed, and delivered in presents of George Richards, Robert Eams, New

                        London, May 4, 1734, Peter Obed, the above subscriber, personally appeared and

                        acknowledged that the above-written instrument was his own voluntary free act and

                        deed.  Before me, Richard Christophers, Justice Peace

Cataloguing:    166,195