Copy of Confirmation of Tunxis Indian Deed (1673)

Whereas there hath been a former contract or bargain betwixt our honored friend Mr. John Haynes, Esq., formerly of Hartford, deceased, on the one party for the Town of Farmington and Pethus, sachem of Tunxis Sepos, 1 in the name and with the consent of the rest of the Indians, then in being as by our former writing doth plainly appear, bearing date April 9, 1650:

Yet notwithstanding in process of time some dissatisfaction growing amongst the Indians in respect to the premises upon which account the Town of Farmington gave them a meeting by a committee wherein they came to a friendly agreement and final conclusion, to wit: a ratification and confirmation of the aforementioned writing.  To say the bounds of Farmington as now they are laid out by order of Court which shall more fully appear by a figure hereafter inserted,2 which we the aforesaid Indians do freely, fully, absolutely, and forever remit, release, relinquish, and pass over, by this our act and deed unto the Town of Farmington or them, their heirs, [or] successors forever firmly by these presents, ratifying and confirming the same by this instrument to the Town of Farmington and to their heirs and successors forever, warranting and assuring them that we have full right, title and power to confirm the same to them as aforesaid, and by these presents bind our selves, heirs, and successors to free the aforesaid lands from all molestation or encumbrance from by or under any person or persons whatsoever and give them hereby true right, title, claim, and interest in the same and power to record it to themselves or successors whatsoever, as they shall see meet, according to law to do.  The Town of Farmington freely giving to the Indians aforesaid two hundred acres of land within the bounds of their plantation as also three pounds in other pay, which land aforesaid is given upon the conditions following, viz., that this land the English do here engage the Indians not to make any sale thereof but keep it for the use and benefit of themselves and their posterity, and also they are hereby engaged when they plant or improve this land now given them that they shall secure themselves by a sufficient fence, which land they have already pitched upon, to the full content and satisfaction of all the Indians who are hereafter inserted and now forthwith to be measured out to them, and to the true and faithful performance hereof and every part hereof, we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, administrators, and assigns. 

In witness hereunto, we interchangeably set to our hands the day and year aforesaid. These are the names of the Indians now present the day and year abovesaid.

the mark of Nesahegen
the mark of Wannoe
the mark of Tabhow
the mark of Seacutt
the mark of James' son
the mark of Queremus3
the mark of Wenanawon
the mark of Tomtaco
the mark of Mamanto
the mark of James
the mark of Wonks
the mark of Wasamagin
the mark of Artanush
the mark of Ohehomhoot
the mark of Haramamon
James’ son4
Shrowashk squaw
May 22, 1673

We whose names are hereafter inserted set to our hands as the town’s committee in the name and behalf of the town

The words (to say) betwixt the 11th and 12th lines was before signing.


Postscript, it is to be understood that the land in the Indian Neck which the Indians stand possessed of doth yet remain firm and good to the said Indians and their heirs as firmly as ever, though not mentioned in the above deed of sale they have given to the Town of Farmington, being bounded as in page second of this book.  We hereby declare that the Town of Farmington hath neither right, title, claim, or interest in the aforesaid land by the abovesaid deed.  William Lewis / John Wadsworth / John Stanley


A copy for John Tongue


A true copy as it stands.   Entered and recorded in Farmington Second Book of Records, folio forty-three.  Compared per John Hooker, Registrar          


28, 3

  • 1. The name of Ahamo is included here on the version recorded in the Farmington record book.
  • 2. See map
  • 3. A variant copy of that deed shows the name Queremus' son in this place.
  • 4. Possible duplicate