Letter from Samuel Kirkland to Nathan Strong

Reverend and Dear Sir,
My present ill state of health forbids my seeing you with the bearer, Elijah Wampey.  Your benevolence hath heretofore extended to these poor Indians in a former memorial in their behalf to the General Assembly of Connecticut.  I trust any aid you can afford to their present petition will be cheerfully granted.  They are really distressed objects, and any relief granted will really promote the public character  of your state at the westward, at least so far as the influence of this tribe extends.  But I can not now enlarge.  Cordial respects await Mr. Strong, Dr. Smith, and family,
From your affectionate, though unworthy, brother in Gospel,
Samuel Kirkland, Missionary
Stockbridge, May 16, 1783
Post Script:
Mr. Edwards,[1] being absent, they requested Esq. Woodbridge to certify to the facts in the petition.  Reverend Mr. Nathan Strong
The Reverend Nathan Strong, Hartford.  Favored by Elijah Wampey

[1] Daniel Edwards