Connecticut General Assembly Resolve on the Memorial of the Tunxis (1774)

Upon the memorial of Elijah Wampey, Solomon Mossuck, Samuel Adams, and the rest of the tribe of Tunxis Indians living in Farmington, showing to this Assembly that upon the invitation of the Indians of the Six Nations to come up and dwell with them, promising them a sufficiency of lands for them, etc., the memorialists propose to remove and pray that Colonel John Strong, Fisher Gay, Esq., and Mr. Elnathan Gridley, all of Farmington, may be appointed a committee to oversee and direct them in the sale of their lands in this colony, etc., as per memorial on file.

Resolved by this Assembly that Colonel John Strong, Fisher Gay, Esq., and Mr. Elnathan Gridley, all of Farmington, be and they are hereby appointed a committee to oversee, direct, and inspect the memorialists in the sale of their lands and all sales of lands made by the memorialists by and with the consent and approbation of said committee, or any two of them, indorsed on said conveyances and signed by said committee, or any two of them, shall be effectual in the law for passing the said Indians’ title to said lands to the purchasers, saving always the right of the New Haven tribe of Indians to any of said lands, and such deeds, being acknowledged by the grantors, and duly recorded, may be given in evidence of such title in any court in this colony.

Legislative Action:  Passed in the Lower House.  Test, Samuel Parsons, Clerk.  Concurred in the Upper House.  Test, George Wyllys, Secretary / May 1774 / Bill

Cataloguing: 194