Report on the Memorial of Martin Kellogg
To the Honorable General Assembly Now Sitting at Hartford, 1751
Your Honors’ committee to whom you referred the consideration of the memorial of Captain Martin Kellogg and the matters therein contained, as also to inspect the accounts of the said Captain Kellogg beg leave to report that we have carefully inspected said accounts and are of opinion that the two hundred and fifty pounds that has been advanced by this Assembly for the instruction and subsistence of a number of Mohawks under the care of him, the said Captain Kellogg, has been laid out by him with good prudence for the attainment of the good end proposed and find that the said Captain Kellogg has advanced for the subsistence of the said Indians the sum of eighty three pounds, fourteen shillings, and nine pence, which we recommend to Your Honors to be reimbursed to the said Captain Kellogg and we find that one third part of the salary for half a year, which said Captain Kellogg hoped this Assembly would pay, amounts to the sum of ninety one pounds, thirteen shillings, and four pence old tenor, and we further recommend to this Assembly that a sum not exceeding sum of two hundred and fifty pounds old tenor by a committee to be appointed by Your Honors be drawn from time to time as occasion shall require and put into the hands of said Captain Kellogg to be by him improved for the instruction and subsistence of said Indians and lay the account of his proceeding therein before this Assembly in October next.
And we further report it as our opinion that the affair of Captain Kellogg’s support in the good work of instructing said Indians be recommended to the congress of the Commissioners on Indian Affairs at Albany in June next that so it may be made an article of general charge and that your direct your commissioners accordingly.
All which is submitted by Your Honors’ Committee,
Legislative Action: In the Lower House, the above report read and approved and ordered that
the sum of eighty three pounds, fourteen shillings, and nine pence disbursed by Captain Kellogg for the subsistence of the Indians be reimbursed to him again, and also that the sum of ninety one pounds, thirteen shillings, four pence old tenor be paid out of the public treasury of this colony to him, said Captain Kellogg, for his service in instructing the Indians, and that a sum of money not exceeding the sum of two hundred and fifty pounds old tenor by a committee, etc., from time to time drawn as occasion shall require, etc., and put into the hands of said Captain Kellogg and by him improved for the purposes mentioned in said report, and that an order be drawn on the treasurer of the colony therefore, etc., a bill, etc. Test, John Fowler[7], Clerk
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