Petition of John Hector to the Massachusetts General Court
To the Honorable Senate and House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts in General Court Assembled
Respectfully represents John Hector of Worcester that he is a member of the Hassanamisco Tribe of Indians, that he is sole heir at law of to certain real estate in the Town of Paxton in the County of Worcester, said real estate being the same conveyed by Sharp Freeborn to the Trustees of the Hassanamisco Indians by deed dated April 6, A.D. 1768 and recorded in the Registry of Deeds for the County of Worcester, Book 121, page 349, and that he is entitled to the income of said property as next of kin to Elnathan Freeborn, late of said Paxton, deceased. And your petitioner further represents that he is also entitled to the income from certain real estate in the Town of Winchester in the State of New Hampshire, as heir at law of Leander Gimbee, late of Worcester, deceased, a member of said Hassanamisco Tribe of Indians. And your petitioner further represents that the said property, both in Paxton and in Winchester, has been and now is held and occupied unlawfully and without right by persons who refuse to give up said property or pay your petitioner the income thereof. Wherefore, your petitioner prays that Your Honorable Body will appoint Charles Brigham of Grafton in said County of Worcester as Trustee for your said petitioner without authority to establish in the courts of law or otherwise the right of your petitioner to said property and to hold said property or dispose of it as he may deem best o that the income arising therefrom may be secreted to your petitioner and his heirs and as in duty bound will ever pray.
Legislative Action: |
Petition of John Hector, a Hassanamisco Indian, for the appointment of a Trustee / Presented by John Milton Earle of Worcester / In Senate, February 24, 1858 / Referred to the Committee on Probate and Chancery |