Petition of Moses Roberts to the Massachusetts General Court

To the Honorable the Senate and the House of Representatives in General Court Assembled

Respectfully shows that Moses Roberts of Grafton in the County of Worcester that he is Trustee of the Hassanamisco Indians, and that Zona Gimbee, now resident in Worcester, is the widow of one of that tribe, now deceased,1 that the house now occupied by her is in a decayed condition and requires sundry repairs to render the same comfortable and tenantable, but that in order to raise money to affect said repairs it is necessary to sell a part of the lands belonging to said Indian, deceased, and that a small parcel of meadow land near said dwelling house in Worcester would now be sold for a fair price without injuring the remainder of the lands belonging to that estate.

He, therefore, prays that he may be authorized to sell and pass deeds to convey a certain parcel of land situate in Pine Meadow, so called, in Worcester, containing about forty square rods bounded easterly by a highway, northerly by remaining lands of said2 deceased westerly by a brook and at the southerly end to a point.

And as in duty bound will ever pray


I, Zona Gimbee, widow of Moses Gimbee who was one of the Hassanamisco Tribe of Indians, having heard the foregoing petition read, do hereby certify that the facts therein stated are true.  that I request the sale of the parcel of land therein described for the purposes therein mentioned and hereby release all right and interest in and into the same and hereby request that said petition may be granted. Zona Gimbee, her mark / Worcester, November 9, 1836                      


Attest, Emory Washburn

Legislative Action:

Petition of Moses Roberts for leave to sell real estate of the Hassanamisco Indians / Mr. Allen / Senate,  April 5, 1837 / Referred to the Committee on Judiciary / Charles Calhoun, Clerk

  • 1. Zona Gimbee, born Zona Leonard, was the wife of Moses Gimbee,who died sometime between 1829 and 1837.
  • 2. Deleted Text: tribe