Summons for Aaron Hawley, Guardian of of the Golden Hill Indians, to Meet with Committee

Whereas we, the subscribers, were by the Honorable General Assembly of the State of Connecticut holden at New Haven on the second Thursday of October 17971 appointed a committee to examine and adjust the accounts of Aaron Hawley of Stratford in Fairfield County respecting his, the said Hawley's, guardianship of the Indians at Golden Hill in said Stratford from the time of his, the said Hawley's, appointment to said office by the General Assembly in May 1791 and our report make to the next General Assembly to be holden at Hartford in May next do hereby notify the said Hawley that we shall meet on said business at the house of Isaac Hinman, innholder in said Stratford, on the twenty-third day of April next at 9 o’clock in the forenoon when and where the said Hawley is notified to appear and exhibit his accounts upon the subject aforesaid.


Dated at Fairfield, March 28, 1798   


To the Sheriff of Fairfield County or His Deputy to Serve and Return        


I hereby Receipt this notice, Aaron Hawley.  Stratford, March 30, 1798

Legislative Action:

Notification for Aaron Hawley to appear before committee April 23, 1798 / Notification to Aaron Hawley


143 a, 143 b, 187

  • 1. The second Thursday in October 1797 was the 12th. See 1797.10.31.00